Sunday Services
All services start at 10am and are held
in Lochranza Church
Please see Church Notice Boards
All are welcome
Lochranza Church is now a part of the Isle of Arran Church of Scotland
which includes churches in Brodick, Whiting Bay and Shiskine.
Over the years, there have been many benefactors to The Church
and some of theses are noted here:
- Two Stained Glass Panels by Alexander Kerr, of Catacol,
- The Pulpit, Four Chairs and Communion Table, by The Rev. James Dow,
- The Pulpit Lantern with the red cross, made by an apprentice shipyard worker
- The Pulpit Bible & Communion Linen, gifted by Mr & Mrs Findlay Newton,
- The Communion Table Runner and Pulpit Fall, by Mrs Simon Boscawen,
- The Brass Flower Urn, by Mrs May Brown, of Bridgend.
- The Pedestal Lectern, by the late Arthur Poole, of Old Ladeside.
- Bibles and Mission Praise Hymnals,
- CH4 Hymn books, from Friends of Lochranza Kirk and from Christine Knox of Pier House,
There have been many other bequests, too numerous to mention,
and for these the congregation will be forever grateful.